Ini Kategori Penilaian Mobil Dalam MAC 2017

F. G. Tangkudung
9 Sep 2017 11:22
Berita 0 1021
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Ajang spektakuler tahunan Mantos Auto Contest (MAC) 2017 tinggal menghitung hari, kesiapan panitia pelaksanan sudah rampung dan siap menggelar event tersebut.

Panitia pelaksana menggelar Technical Meeting bersama peserta, Jumat (8/9/2017) di JW Resto Mantos II. Dalam Technical Meeting tersebut dibahas beberapa peraturan yang diberlakukan dan kategori-kategori penilaian yang akan dilombakan.

Ini dia kategori penilaian pada kelas Mobil.

Champion Categories:

  1. The Best Sedan
  2. The Best MPV
  3. The Best SUV
  4. The Best City Car
  5. The Best Jeep
  6. The Best Hatchback
  7. The Best Pick Up

Special Categories:

  1. The Best Axtreme Body Kits
  2. The Best Elegant Bosy Kits
  3. The Best Racing Body Kits
  4. The Best Wheels
  5. The Best Fitment
  6. The Best Under Carriage
  7. The Best Motorized Audio Design
  8. The Best Baggage Audio Design
  9. The Best Cabin Audio Desing
  10. The Best Incartainment
  11. The Best Racing Interior
  12. The Best Elegant Interior
  13. The Best Extreme Interior
  14. The Best Street Racing
  15. The Best Stance Lovers
  16. The Best Airbrush
  17. The Best Engine N/A
  18. The Best Engine Bay
  19. The Best Forced Induction
  20. The Best Sticker
  21. The Best Custom Paint
  22. The Best To Down Low Sedan
  23. The Best To Down Low non Sedan
  24. The Tematic Car
  25. The Best Biggest Rims
  26. The Best Body Conversion
  27. The Best Innovation Car
  28. The Best Motorized Exterior
  29. The Best Drag Racing Style
  30. The Best Team
  31. The Best Car Club Babes
  32. The Best Carbonite
  33. The Best JDM Style
  34. The Best Racing Look
  35. The Best Off Road Look (4×2)
  36. The Best Thailook
  37. The Best Tomb Rider
  38. The Best Killer Color
  39. The Best Interior Street Racing

Unique Categories:

  1. The Best Extreme
  2. The Best Elegant Look
  3. The Best People Choice
  4. The Best Independence Day Themes

Rookie Categories:

  1. The Best Rookie of Body Kit
  2. The Best Rookie of Interior
  3. The Best Rookie of Engine
  4. The Best Rookie of Body Art Design
  5. The Best Rookie of Audi Design
  6. The Best Rookie Hatchback
  7. Mantos Rookie Sedan
  8. Mantos Rookie City Car
  9. Mantos Rookie SUV
  10. Mantos Rookie MPV

Dan setiap mobil yang mendapat paling banyak The Best maka akan menjadi pemenang The King MAC 2017.

Penulis : Emmanuel Athlon

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